Sunday, 15 April 2012

Victory! The games all over and for once, the good guys win!

I'm not one to gloat, but it seems that the ever loved PikaPokeBlog has finally won WebComicBattle2012! My motto is 'always leave them wanting more', so that's just what I'll do, this marks the retirement edition for Pikachu's wild, exciting and sometimes misunderstood adventures.

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Brave New World (Part 3): In which Pikachu holds a question and answer session, covering the meaning of life.

Wow, what a fascinating story! Pikachu tried his best but what can you do? In other news Imogen has finally consented to an interview of her puppet project! More on that later!!!!1

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Brave New World (Part 2): In which Pikachu tries to teach Mehmet about Power & Love.

Good stuff right? This new family friendly(ish) line of webcomic is really working, amIright?!

I don't know if you read Imogen's 'blog' this week, she has really stopped trying, just as the ever popular PikaPokeBlog has kicked off with another amazing storyline!!!

In other news, Imogen still refuses to be interviewed on her upcoming puppet play!!!  What does she have to hide? When will the lies stop? What is she so afraid of? I will not rest until she consents to questioning!!!