Sunday, 1 January 2012

2012 (Part 1): 'A Happy New Year?': In which Pikachu learns that it's not easy to keep your girlfriend satisfied.


  1. Nice try, Ricky. Do you really think the novelty of a 2 parter is going to make people forget that your comic consists entirely of bad jokes, gratuitous drug and sex references, and factual errors about Pokemon? Pikachu is rolling in his grave (that's a JOKE, because Pikachu can't die, as even the slightest research would reveal - this is the sort of thing you can expect from Princess Lovelyface and Professor Gentleman)

  2. Two Parter? This baby clearly has the potential to run and run! The "gratuitous" content is inherently necessary, and therefore NOT gratuitous, its simply what the people want! I will analyse your 'stats' and review in my 'mid-week news update'. I'm surprised that you have found the time to comment on my webcomic, when you could be off censoring your own, you ridiculous prude!!!
